By Braiden
The SCA had a fundraiser for the United Way in November. Whichever teacher got the most votes got their beard shaved off! The United Way is a fundraising company that uses the money they get from schools to create opportunities for others to have a better life. The United Way provides education, income, and health because of the all the hard work they do. The United Way helps all sorts of different charities by holding fundraisers at schools worldwide. The United Way has a fundraiser called Mission United, to raise money for the veterans and soldiers who fought in wars and those who have relatives that fought in wars.
Our school sold tickets for $1 and students put their tickets in the jar with the picture of the staff member they wanted to shave their beard off. The staff members students that could vote for were: Mr. Nate, Mr. Chris, Mr. Estep, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Orebaugh.
The SCA earned $428 for the United Way through this fundraiser. That is more than $200 more than was raised last year through the Pie in Your Face Fundraiser. Great job, Wildcats!
To see who the winner was, click the link below: